Alumni Awards

Robert Fleming

Co-Founder of PACE Magazine; founder of Youth Employment Skills (YES) Canada

Zeljko Gataric

Humanitarian Relief Campaign for Serbian/Croatian Victims of War (Switzerland)

Michael Knowles

Village Investment Project; African American child adoption and advocacy (Chicago)

Stewart Lancaster

Co-founder of PACE Magazine; founding member of Pima Community College; educational pioneer

Dr. Toyotane Sohma

Founder of Sing Out Asia in 1965 and his work with Thailand youth through an exchange program

Michael McCabe

President of Youth Services America and lifelong commitment to youth across the globe

Marcia Tweed Klecker

Dealing with MS since her early 20’s, and working with emotionally disturbed children and teens

Karen Fisher Ball

Co-founder of the Sturge-Weber Foundation and winner of the Betty Ford Award

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