Thank you for your interest in the Alumni in Action program and receiving reimbursement funds for your project!
You can apply for these funds for any community action or humanitarian effort that involves a group of UWP alumni working together on a project. Previously-funded projects include community impact projects in which alumni participated alongside UWP cast members during their visit to Seattle, and again in Des Moines. In Seattle, the cast and alumni repackaged food for local food banks, and in Des Moines, alumni and cast members worked together to package food that was sent to areas of the world devastated by famine.
Your project can be anything that brings alumni together to make a positive difference in any community – either your own, or perhaps and area in need of disaster relief.
Please note: the Alumni in Action program is not designed to fund other non-profit organizations for general operating funds or projects that do not include UWP alumni participants, but if your organization creates a community impact project that involves UWP alumni, then we can consider providing funding for that project.
Apply for funds before you start your project, and funds may be reimbursed to you after the project has been completed., based on the number of alumni who participated and receipts you submit to us, up to $100 per participant and a maximum of $1,000 per project.
Please complete the application below to start the process.