Boxed Suppers for Annual Alumni Week

Thanks for your interest in Boxed Suppers on Thursday and/or Friday of Annual Alumni Week!

Price: €17 for the option of your choice (listed below) + brownie for dessert, inclusive of taxes and delivery.

Delivery:  Each order placed must be delivered to one apartment on the UL campus only*. One person needs to be designated by the group to be at the apartment to receive the order between 17:30 and 18:00 (5:30 pm and 6:00 pm), i.e. If there is a total order on Thursday, 8th August for 50 meals, placed by 3 individual groups of 25, 15 & 10, then there will be 3 deliveries only.

*Off-campus groups who can meet the minimum number of 10 meals in their order, and have someone available to meet at the appropriate time might be able to be accommodated. Email with your specific scenario so that we can check with the vendor, and if it’s a “go” you may fill out the form.

Payment: A payment link will be emailed to the person placing the order. Full payment will be required a minimum of 1 week in advance.

NOTE: All orders must be placed via this order form, through communicating with UWPIAA volunteers, and not directly with the caterer.
