Thank You ,EAM!


Thank you all alumni at EAM in Leiden who supported the Alumni Reach Out program by buying lottery tickets! Thanks to you we managed to raise 430 EUR that goes directly to fund UWP alumni in need through Reach Out.

Congratulations all lucky winners, and especially to one happy alumna who won the first prize — the registration fee for EAM back – 100 EUR!

A big thank you also to my sister, Eva Person A90, who donated the second prize: a bag with your wonderful natural and handmade skin products!

So what is Reach Out?

Reach Out was created by alumni for alumni to provide emergency financial and 3rd-party nonfinancial assistance to alumni in need due to extreme special circumstances. Alumni around the globe have turned to us when they had nowhere else to go! Many of our alumni are homeless, jobless, in need of medical assistance, or they have exhausted all their resources to help better their situation.

The idea for Reach Out came out of the 2005 Reunion in Tucson, “40 Years And Counting” (40YAC), when many of the 65-70 era alumni were very dismayed to discover several former staff members and alumni had fallen on hard times. In 2006, Reach Out Alumni Assistance Network was created as a fundraising organization to provide emergency assistance to any of the 22,000+ alumni who have participated in a traveling cast of Up with People or one of its associated groups—Sing Out (65-66), MRA (65-68), PACE and World Smart. Reach Out has assisted more than 25 alumni in their greatest time of need. In 2013, we became an affiliate of the UWPIAA, who supports Reach Out in its mission to assist alumni in need.

Reach Out is there for you in your time of need

If you are an alum with any or a combination of these circumstance, please consider filling out an application for assistance.

Apply for assistance

To apply for anonymous assistance, please go to the Reach Out website at to download and submit an application.

Do you know alumni in need?

Please let them know that Reach Out is there to help! For more information, visit and join our FB-group:

Or visit our web site:

You can also reach us be sending an email to:

Can you help alumni in need?

Donate to Reach Out

Reach Out is supported by alumni for alumni. There are several ways to help Reach Out:

Join our Care Network

We are looking for alumni with specialities in the fields of counseling, nursing, social services, legal, life coaches, health insurance, and disability assistance. Please email to get more involved with our alumni in need who need you.

Give through United Way

Make Reach Out your charity of choice with United Way. Please contact your HR department to set this up. Our 501(c)3 is #3154159.

Shop at Amazon

When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate a portion of your purchases to Reach Out. Go to to start shopping!

Give a monthly pledge or donation

Set up a monthly pledge or give a tax deductible donation to Reach Out. Go to for more information.
Reach Out is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit charitable organization. All gifts to Reach Out are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. 501(c)3 #3154159

TESTIMONIALS – Here is what some of our alumni assistance recipients have said:

“Your help got me through the worst part of the winter. Before I received your gift, I had to walk for hours getting my body temperature up so that I wouldn’t freeze. My house was like a refrigerator (due to a broken furnace). Now my house is a little warmer and I have food on the table. I can now focus on my studies and get myself from my terrible situation to a better one in the future. I am not capable of finding enough words to express my gratitude. You not only gave me assistance, you are giving me hope. You showed, “We believe in you,” and that means a lot to me.” – anonymous alum

“I can’t thank you enough for all the help you have provided me over the last couple of months. For the first time, in what feels like forever, I am knocking on doors and instead of them being slammed in my face, there are helpful people on the other side. “Thank you” just doesn’t seem to be enough, but know that Reach Out has opened up avenues I never knew were available, reminding me that there are people out there who want to help. For this I am grateful!” – anonymous alum

“I really am touched by so many alumni want to help out … it gives me a warm feeling, and a great boost to keep going … just what I needed, as sometimes I feel I don’t have the courage to keep fighting on.” – anonymous alum

Alumni Assistance Network

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