Congratulations and welcome to the UWPIAA BOG! We are so glad that you are part of our team! Below, we have listed the information that we have found helpful to ask our newest board members. Please fill out all fields if possible. We will keep the personal details internal to the board, but items like your first and any subsequent years/involvement with UWP/UWPIAA, the photos and paragraph you submit are information we would like to use to introduce you to the alumni community. Please direct any questions to the current Communications Chair. Thank you, we are delighted you are here!

New Member Information

Please select the role you will be serving on the board.
i.e. she/her, they/them, he/him
ie. ’95E
Feel free to share any additional years you traveled, were on office staff or served the UWPIAA prior to this role.
Mailing Address
This would be email used for the Board Google Drive (so likely a Gmail address) and if you request your UWPIAA email to forward somewhere, this would be the address used.
Year is optional. We ask so that we can celebrate one another’s special days.
Do you use WhatsApp?
Do you use Facebook?
Do you use Instagram?
*”UpBeat” is our alumni newsletter. If you do not receive it via email and would like to be added, please note that at the end of what you type in the space above.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 8 MB.
To the extent that it is possible, please provide an image that is: Professional-style, where your clothing is plain with solid colours (no or minimal patterns, sports tips or logos), has a plain or even tone background, and with your face looking to the camera and not a selfie taken on a phone.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 8 MB.
We don’t want to present ourselves in only a very formal way–we have fun too! We’d like to have a fun photo of everyone as well for use perhaps in an article or a post. This could be with your family, friends or pets, participating in a favorite sport, or simply a great candid photo.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
