Anna Ftorek

Cast Years: 08A
Date of Passing:  July 21, 2012


Anna Victoria Ftorek passed unexpectedly on July 21, 2012. She was 23.  Anna was a loving aunt, sister, daughter, cast mate and friend. Anna was always up for a laugh, and spoke openly and honestly from her heart with an adventurous spirit. She was the first to volunteer for anything silly; always seeking the opportunity to find joy through humor. Anna loved being at the lake in New Hampshire with her family. She was an avid soccer and hockey fan. Anna was a talented vocalist, lending her voice to mic groups, her rhythm to buckets, and her infectious smile to everyone.  Anna loved Asiatic lilies. They consistently represent her memory for family and friends. Her close friends and family affectionately referred to her as Bean and Anna Banana. Anna will be remembered for her blue gym shorts, healthy level of ridiculousness, and a spirit of adventure unmatched by anyone. She could quote the entire Emperor’s New Groove movie, and kept consistent lists of things she wanted to do. The last list she carried in her wallet summed up Anna perfectly:
1. Have a happy heart
2. Spread love and joy
4. Compliment someone
5. Enjoy each day, appreciate
6. Be genuine and optimistic
7. Dance 🙂
8. Workout
9. Laugh. Laugh a lot.

An Up with People scholarship exists in her name, with annual support from Cast A 2008 and many other friends.

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