The Awards Committee-What We Do and How We Do It


Have you ever wondered who makes the selections of the Award Recipients who are recognized at reunion each year? 

The Awards Committee is made up of a Chair and 22 committee members. This year, there are members from every era (’65-’70s, ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s).  They are a global group, representing the U.S., Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and Mexico. There are 4 separate subcommittees, each with an odd number of members. This is deliberate and alleviates the potential of a tie vote. Names of committee members are kept confidential.

The nominations for awards are collected online and can be submitted through the end of April 2023. Please visit the Awards page for a detailed description of the awards and to nominate a fellow alum!

Once nominations are closed, each subcommittee meets by Zoom with the chair to discuss procedure, review specific requirements, ask and answer questions, consider any alumni suggestions, etc. The nominations for the specific award are then sent out to all the subcommittee members, who read each one thoroughly and carefully. A 2nd Zoom meeting is scheduled for the subcommittee so they can review the nominations together and share their opinions, ask questions, etc.   The Chair reviews the voting procedure and sets the dates for the votes to be turned in. After the call is over, each subcommittee member then individually reviews what has been discussed, rereads something, if necessary, completes the voting form, and sends it directly to the chair.

After all ballots are received, the chair tallies the votes. The committee members and award recipients are then notified and as soon as appropriate, announced.  

If you are interested in serving on the Awards Committee in the future, please contact Debbie Lagomarsino, Awards Chair, at .

4 thoughts on “The Awards Committee-What We Do and How We Do It”

  1. May I request that the recipients are NOT notified of their win until the awards are given at the reunion? (Nominators yes, but SO much more special if the recipients of the awards don’t know ahead of time!)

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