Openings on the BOG

Hi Fellow Alumni!

As Recruitment Chair for the UWPIAA, I wanted to let you know of openings we have on the Board of Governors (BOG).  We have a need for Era Representatives for the 65-70 Era, 71-80 Era, 81-90 Era and 91-00 Era.

These positions on the BOG are responsible for communication between the BOG and your casts from your Era. I have attached a link to the job description as well as a copy of an application below.  I would be happy visit with you personally, or have your current Era Rep visit with you about the job.  If you would like to be considered for this position please send me a note here, and have your application and a copy of a current resume ready for when we connect.

Thank you,

Doug Hasler, 85E
UWPIAA Recruitment Chair

UWPIAA BOG Application Form

UWPIAA BOG Era Representative Job Description


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