Listos…Preparing For the Next One

Mexican alumni from seven different states got together in Puebla, Mexico last September. Since then, they have been enthusiastically working on the next annual reunion. A spin-off committee was formed to
plan and organize the upcoming event.

What began as a monthly get together has now become a work meeting towards the reunion in Monterrey, Mexico, this coming September 2017.

Many ideas have been laid out and analyzed by the committee which is formed by alumni spanning from cast 1973 thru 2015, and close Up With People friends. We believe that the reunion will be an exciting time to meet other alumni; more so, it will take place during the Independence Day weekend which will be a great opportunity to learn Mexican history and celebrate the traditional “El Grito.”

It is a very exciting experience to continue Up With People’s legacy from a different perspective.

A web page has been created to keep in touch and communicate. Visit us at

We hope to see many of you at the reunion in Monterrey, Mexico.

Hasta pronto, amigos.

Giselle Kuri Carraso, ‘13A

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