At the EAMsterdam/Leiden EAM we launched a new concept: ‘Share your story’. The idea was to hear every day inspiring stories of the many alumni around the globe doing or experiencing amazing stories. It was a very moving, inspiring and touching experience. Here are some of the stories told. May they inspire you too.

Jerko Bozikovic, ‘87A

Mimi Luk – ‘85A – Canada

My first EAM was in Prague in 2011. That year, I had planned to travel in Europe for at least 6 months and decided to include the EAM as part of my adventure, as I had friends in Capcast 2005 who would be attending the EAM in Prague. I had such a wonderful time at that EAM and made so many new friends. Little did I know, these would be friends that would become my extended family, and lifelong friends that would support me through some of the most challenging times in my life. You see, after Prague, I had life-threatening illnesses that almost took away my life. But thanks to some very special friends I made at that EAM, and from other Up With People connections, and by the grace of God, I’m still here on this amazing earth; furthermore, appreciating each new day and being passionate about making a positive impact on this world as a Life Coach and Motivational Speaker. I live each day as if it were my last and am so very grateful for the fabulous friends I’ve made at the EAM and in UWP, because truly, I feel so blessed to be part of such a loving global family that is always there for me.


Eva Persson – ’90A – Sweden living in the Netherlands

Tara Bodong is a nonprofit organization started by 12 friends, that is raising money to build a girl’s boarding school in Lumla, Arunachal Pradesh, India on the border close to Tibet and Bhutan. Geshe Pema Dorje was appointed to revive the Bodong tradition of Buddhism by Dalai Lama. The girls are orphans, living in very remote settlements or are very poor. We were given a plot of land from one of the locals, in a slope that has a 45-degree angle. The area has an elevated risk of earthquakes and landslides during monsoon season. My father Architect Anders Nyquist volunteered to make all the drawings we needed. Its remoteness, inaccessibility, lack of building material and extreme poverty made this project take longer than expected. The local team supervised the process the first building is now finished, and our 14 girls are moving in next month. They will be living there with a house mother, and they are enrolled in a local school. It has been such a journey and honor to be part of this project, which is not yet finished. If you would like to help, any amount is greatly appreciated. Please find more info on our website.

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