Meet Sofie Svanberg, Cast 2018A



My name is Sofie Svanberg and I am 19 years old from Sweden. I graduated high school in June 2017.  After graduation  I was working as a sales associate in an Apple Premium reseller store in Göteborg where I lived. When I was not working or going to school, I spent my time either with my boyfriend, friends and family, dancing, photographing or traveling. I have a burning passion for human rights, I love learning and I never turn away from a discussion. Those few months, when I was not in school, were even harder for me than I imagined they would be. Not going to school forced me to get to know a new version of myself; a Sofie who cannot be identified as a motivated student; a Sofie who had to find new ways of challenging herself, since teachers were no longer around to do that. It was really helpful for me to get to know myself outside of education, and I learned so much about myself. I realized what I needed in my life to be happy, and what truly matters to me.

I am so happy that I now have the opportunity to travel with Up with People, and that I get to impact communities all over the world. Most of all, I am excited to learn more and in ways I cannot even imagine.

My parents met when they both travelled in cast E’87, and therefore, UWP has always been a part of my life. We have been to reunions, we have had people visiting us from all over the world and we have been to UWP shows. Every time I have come in contact with the organization, its beliefs, and everything it stands for, has both inspired and strengthen my values and beliefs of a peaceful world where everyone is treated equally. I have cried at least once each time I have seen a show because of its powerful message, and that’s why I decided to travel with UWP. I want to take part in creating the wonderful atmosphere where it feels like anything is possible. I want to inspire more people to stand up for peace and human rights. I want to be part of the organization that has always been a part of my life. Soon it will be my time to become an Up with People alumna, and I am beyond excited.


Sofie Svanberg,

Current cast member of Cast A’18

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