By: UWPIAA- Birger Husted ('87A, Denmark and Czech Republic)
As the real face-to-face European Alumni Meeting in Liege was cancelled for the second year in a row due to the COVID-19 pandemic, European Alumni got together to have a celebration virtually! They gathered online to get updated on the activities of the Up with People International Alumni Association as well as Up with People and the UWP Alumni Hub.
A truly international team with Eirik Sandnes (’88E, Norway), Paula Eronon (’92A, Finland), Richard Lucero (’87A, USA/Sweden), Maciej Sajecki (’91A, Poland), John Carl Morton (’86C, Ireland), Jonas Granbom (’91A, Sweden), Mary Walsh (’82C, Ireland), Filomena Lopedoto (’99D, Germany), Joram de Maeseneer (’14A, Belgium), Armin Schobloch (’88E, Germany), Lydia Iivonen (’18B, Finland), Mary McCullough (’90B, Ireland), Janet Barnes (’91A, Switzerland), Birger Husted (’87A, Denmark /Czech Republic) got together to plan and execute a three-day online VEAM – Virtual European Alumni Meeting.
Friday was dedicated to great presentations of drink mixing from Poland, Irish coffee making from Ireland and various quizzes managed from Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. And of course, lots of time to chat with alumni friends you have never met before or who have already become close friends in Zoom breakout rooms.

Saturday was focused on getting information about the activities of European alumni clubs and the UWPIAA as well as having a presentation by Up with People President and CEO, Vernon C. Grigg III. We also held workshops about how to get the best out of the new structure of the UWPIAA seen from a European perspective and how to intensify the cooperation between European alumni.

VEAM Statistics:
- 243 people were registered, representing 29 countries; from Hong Kong to California and Chile to Norway!
- Friday – 127 unique visitors and a total of 20511 minutes of attendance
- Saturday – 179 unique visitors and 42631 minutes of attendance
- Sunday – 69 unique visitors and 9231 minutes of attendance
- Number of glasses of alcohol drunk while attending – countless.
- Number of laughs, smiles and virtual hugs – countless.
It was a great event in true Uppie spirit.
We are all one – crossing borders virtually, when governments and pandemics do not allow us to cross them physically.
See you next year at the EAM in Helsinki – Espoo, Finland. June 10th to 12th 2022.
Birger Husted (’87A, Denmark /Czech Republic)
EMEA Representative