Camp Up with People: The show must go on—and it will!

By: Camp Up with People Director Walter Belcher

With all the closures and postponements of the last year, we know that our campers and staff were disappointed to hear the news that the lights would be out at Camp Up with People (CUWP) last summer. Campers and staff alike were looking forward to everything that a summer at CUWP brings.

Even without campers on site, CUWP did not completely push pause. We took all of the challenges of 2020 in stride, and used them as an opportunity to be self-reflective, to make improvements, to heighten our safety protocols, to re-examine who we are and who we hope to be to ourselves, our campers, and to the world. Despite the hurdles, 2020 taught us a lot, and with this information we are running boldly toward 2021.

CUWP will still be the international youth leadership program it has been for the last 10 years, with some exciting new enhancements. We have been busy making additions to our campus, including the launching of the Horizons Edge Sports Complex, which will provide new and exciting activities for our campers. Click the link below to see what we are so excited about!

We are also re-committed to aligning ourselves with other organizations that share the same values regarding social justice:

  • Through our obvious love of music, we are proud to announce our partnership with World Singing Day: A global sing along founded in 2012 by Up with People Alumnus Scott Johnson (83D). Together we will be using the joy of music as a tool for betterment world-wide.
  • We are excited to announce a partnership with AIESEC, the youth leadership movement of the United Nations. AIESEC volunteers will be joining us this summer bring their curriculum “Empower All” – reducing inequalities to CUWP. They are passionately driven by one cause, peace, and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.

Phew!!!!!  All of that plus ziplining, dancing, singing, s’mores, campfires, mountain climbing, a show, and endless fun and forever friendships.

2021, we are coming for you! If you are, or if you know someone, between the ages of 13 – 17 looking for an explosive summer experience, we invite you to get out of the house, and come into the safety of our CUWP community, nestled in the heart of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. For more information call 540-214-2752, or email at

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