By: UWPIAA - Lisa Diaz, '98C, Interim Communications Chair
We have posted committee descriptions for the twelve new chair positions and are now accepting applications for those wishing to serve on the UWPIAA Board of Governors!
New Committee Descriptions and Committee Chair Application Form
The deadline to apply for one of the new BOG Committee Chair positions is June 4, 2021.
Elections for these twelve new committee chair positions will take place in July 2021.
Newly elected chairs will start recruiting to fill the new committees in late July 2021.
The new Board will start September 1, 2021.
We will start with a hybrid election approach to ensure continuity and minimize risk, so in 2021, some members will be Board-elected, and some will be elected by the entire alumni body, but by 2024, all members of the UWPIAA Board of Governors will be elected by the entire alumni body.
To read more about the new vision, mission, priorities, and board structure, click here.