Now Accepting Nominations for UWPIAA President

The alumni association President provides the visionary leadership for the UWPIAA Board of Governors (BOG) as an active member of the Executive Committee. Specific responsibilities include being the principal officer of the UWPIAA as well as represent the IAA on the UWP Board of Directors.

The BOG is an all-volunteer group serving the international alumni association in a variety of roles such as sponsoring reunions; communicating news to alumni by email and social media; having specific era representatives to address needs of alums for specific year groups; and help support the mission of Up with People.

Only past BOG members are eligible to serve in the role of President. The individual selected will first join the BOG as President-Elect on September 1, 2018 for one year before moving into the role of President on September 1, 2019 for two years. He/ she will continue to serve one additional year as Past President.

For full list of responsibilities and to express interest in the position, please contact the UWPIAA Immediate Past President via the UWPIAA Contact Form.

Following submission, a letter of intent, one-page vision statement and resume will be required to complete the application process for review by the Nominating Committee. ALL DOCUMENTS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 27, 2018 (11:59PM, CST). Finalists will be interviewed by the Nominating Committee, then presented at the Spring BOG meeting, April 13-14th, and elected by the BOG members within 7 days of the meeting.

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