The new Programming Committee (ProComm), chaired by Donalda McCarthy (’91B), is announcing a new critical conversation series, each with three episodes addressing the various elements of a conversation.
The first series, “Mastering Education During COVID“, will feature the below episodes. The two subsequent series will focus on racism (series #2) and personal identity (series #3). All will take place on Saturdays and begin at 12 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. GMT+2 / 1 a.m. GMT+9 (Sunday).
- September 26, 2020 — Episode 1: Insight from Educators, produced by Donalda
- October 3, 2020 — Episode 2: Success Stories from Parents, produced by Barbara Lounsbury (’81E)
- October 10, 2020 — Episode 3: Reality Checks from the Kids, produced by T.J. Mannix (’91B)
- November/December 2020: Series #2 and #3
Stay tuned for official registration information and final event dates.
The new ProComm is seeking committee members and panelists from every region and era of the alumni community. Specifically, ProComm is seeking anyone with skillsets in event planning, live production, or secondary/adult education.