UWPIAA Awards Go Live

By: UWPIAA Awards

Would you like to know who, in your cast or crew, has received an award? Do you want to read about all the alumni who received the J. Blanton Belk Award? Or how about the Outstanding Cast and Crew Reps? Well, now you can by going directly to our website and clicking “Alumni Award Recipients” in the dropdown menu under “Annual UWPIAA Awards“. You will have the option to search by filling in only one field or several before clicking “Submit”, and scrolling down to read all the information.

Four awards may be given in a year. The James E. MacLennan Everyday Hero Award and the Outstanding Cast/Crew Award are specifically designated for those alumni whose years are being celebrated at Annual Alumni Week. The J. Blanton Belk Outstanding Alumnus/Alumna Award and the Samuel Lanham Outstanding Service to the UWPIAA Award are open to any alumnus/alumna from any cast/crew or year. These two awards may be nominated by any alumni.

Here’s a thumbnail sketch of each award:

J. Blanton Belk Outstanding Alumnus/Alumna Award

  • This award is given annually to an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to humankind by carrying forward the ideals of Up with People.

Samuel Lanham Award for Extraordinary Service to the UWPIAA

  • This award may be presented to an individual(s) who has made contributions to the UWPIAA in multiple categories, over multiple years, and benefitting a broad spectrum of alumni.

Outstanding Cast/Crew Representative Award

  • This award recognizes alumni serving as a Cast or Crew Representative who provides extraordinary service to their casts or crews and the alumni body as a whole. These alumni sacrifice long hours and resources and go to great lengths to keep their casts and crews connected and informed all year long.

James E. MacLennan Everyday Hero Award

  • This may be awarded to alumni for at their day-to-day commitment of selfless service to others, through countless acts of kindness.

Is there someone you would like to nominate for one of these awards? The complete information about each award and the nomination form is found in the first drop down category under Annual UWPIAA Awards.

If you’d like more information or you have a question, please contact Debbie Lagomarsino Woidke: awards@uwpiaa.org

4 thoughts on “UWPIAA Awards Go Live”

  1. What a work and information we get for this reuinion, never done before in history of UWP. Thanks for all your work, you disserve a nomination

  2. Darrel LeJeune

    This is wonderful. I know this took a great deal of research, time, and effort to compile this list. Thanks for all of your hard work. May I offer a correction: J. Blanton Belk Award winner in 2018 needs correction. The name is spelled incorrectly and the cast identified is incorrect. It should be as follows: Darrel LeJeune 83A

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