We wanted to share with you the current list of active Up with People International Alumni Association board members. These volunteer alumni represent you and are hard at work to make Reunion 2022 memorable!
- Alumni Engagement: Cortland Bolles (‘00E, USA)
- Communication: Marisa Burgener Connors (‘95E, ‘99C, USA)
- Events/Reunion Chair: Mary McCullough (‘90B, IRL)
- External Relations: Debbie Lagomarsino (‘68B-’69, USA)
- Internal Development: McKell Neilson (‘95E-’00, CAN)
- Technology: Cato (CJ) Johannessen (‘95E, NOR*)
The officer team:
- President: Stu Shepherd (‘78E, USA)
- Secretary/Alumni Community: Heather Reilly (‘92A, ‘95-’98, ‘00, CAN*)
- Treasurer: Laurian Lytle (‘77C, ‘77A, ‘78E, USA)
This group is also working on your behalf to resolve the ongoing UWPIAA incorporation challenges. With the unique situation putting the original plans of the new board on pause, some board members never took office and others resigned for various personal reasons. We sincerely thank them for their service to our Board and alumni. We will seek to fill the empty Vice President role prior to reunion and as we move into fall, we expect to be able to fill additional positions and move into the implementation phase of the plan set out by the Future Committee and adopted by the Board.
Thank you!
*Currently living in the USA
Hello Stu,
Greetings from Bermuda.
A few days ago I found an internet link about an effort getting underway in Virginia by UWP or UWPIAA for 18 to 20 year-olds. I cannot now find that link and wish to know about the status of the program. I am wondering if there is still opportunity for participants for next months intake.
See you in Tucson!
delMonte ’69-71
Hi Delmonte! I believe you are talking about “Changemaker U” which was conducted last year in Virginia. I cannot find information about it happening this year, but I did locate an overview of the program, here: and you can sign up to receive information when it/other programs are launching.