UpBeat Alumni News

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October 1, 2017
Some volunteers of Japan Alumni Club had a meeting -- and drank -- in Tokyo! 1) After Paul W. and Mr. Takahashi of OCA (MRA Foundation) discussed the... Read More
October 1, 2017
Mexican alumni from seven different states got together in Puebla, Mexico last September. Since then, they have been enthusiastically working on the next annual reunion. A spin-off committee was formed to... Read More
October 1, 2017
Some volunteers of Japan Alumni Club had a meeting -- and drank -- in Tokyo! 1) After Paul W. and Mr. Takahashi of OCA (MRA Foundation) discussed the... Read More
October 1, 2017
Thank you all alumni at EAM in Leiden who supported the Alumni Reach Out program by buying lottery tickets! Thanks to you we managed to raise 430 EUR... Read More
October 1, 2017
Hi, this is Sabine from Germany. I traveled in Cast D90 and did PR in 1991-92. I would like to share with you how Up with People has... Read More
October 1, 2017
Mexican alumni from seven different states got together in Puebla, Mexico last September. Since then, they have been enthusiastically working on the next annual reunion. A spin-off committee was formed to... Read More
October 1, 2017
Some volunteers of Japan Alumni Club had a meeting -- and drank -- in Tokyo! 1) After Paul W. and Mr. Takahashi of OCA (MRA Foundation) discussed the... Read More
September 1, 2017
Congratulations to Matthew Serafin (‘16A), the recipient of the first ever Terrence P. Kane Scholarship, and a student at Marquette University, a Catholic, Jesuit university in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.... Read More
September 1, 2017
At the EAMsterdam/Leiden EAM we launched a new concept: ‘Share your story’. The idea was to hear every day inspiring stories of the many alumni around the globe... Read More
September 1, 2017
Congratulations to Matthew Serafin (‘16A), the recipient of the first ever Terrence P. Kane Scholarship, and a student at Marquette University, a Catholic, Jesuit university in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.... Read More
